shockwave therapy

Shockwave Therapy: What You Need To Know

By: Julia Towers, Physiotherapist


If you’ve ever been to the clinic, you’ve probably heard our Shockwave Therapy machine hammering away! If you wonder what that is, sit tight because you’re about to find out!

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that delivers high energy acoustic waves into tissues. This is to promote healing of tight or sore tendons and other soft tissues that are in pain.

There is some very good research to suggest that this treatment has the following benefits: stimulating the formation of new blood vessels, reversing chronic inflammation, stimulating collagen production, breaking up unwanted calcium build-up, releasing trigger points in muscles, and reducing pain. In summary, Shockwave Therapy helps the body with its natural healing process.

Common Conditions Shockwave Therapy Treats

Shockwave treatment is a great tool for those who have a lasting injury, due to overuse or repetitive strain. Some examples of these injuries are as follows:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Tennis elbow
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Shin splints
  • Chronic tendinitis
  • Hip pain
  • Calcification

By and large, Shockwave Therapy helps to treat those stubborn issues!

Does Shockwave Therapy treatment hurt?

As a Physiotherapist, I have to be honest with you: sometimes, yes. There may be some mild discomfort during your shockwave treatment. However, we will work with you to find settings that you can tolerate. We never want to cause you actual pain.

Shockwave treatments usually take about 5-10 minutes, and most patients are able to tolerate the intensity for this short period of time.

How many treatments will I need?

Research tells us that for most injuries, 3-6 treatments are sufficient for providing symptom relief. These treatments are typically about a week apart.

Is there a time when Shockwave Therapy is not appropriate?

Absolutely. Some situations where we do not use shockwave are as follows: when a patient has an active infection, tumours, pregnancy, or is taking anticoagulants. These are all things that we screen for during your initial assessment.

Shockwave is best suited as part of a larger program of care. Here at Stride, your Physiotherapist will determine if you are a good candidate. After which they will deliver the modality simultaneously with other aspects of your treatment. This can include manual therapy, specific exercises, activity modification, and education.

In Conclusion

Overall, Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment with great evidence supporting its role in providing pain relief and restoring mobility. It may even reduce the need for addictive pain killers.

If you would like further information on this type of therapy, reach out to the clinic at 403-343-8891. Additionally, you can book an appointment online!