Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Benefits of Prenatal Massage

By Cheyanne Heyn, Massage Therapist

Hello Everyone! I’m Cheyanne, one of Stride’s Registered Massage Therapists. I am trained in a variety of massage techniques, but I particularly love treating pregnant and post-partum mamas with Prenatal Massage. Read along in this blog to find out more about Prenatal Massage and if it’s the right fit for you!

What is Prenatal Massage?

In short, a prenatal massage is designed for people who are pregnant. Prenatal massages assist with the normal adaptations that your body goes through during pregnancy.

In a standard massage, you spend half the time on your stomach lying face-down. This is not possible with a baby belly, obviously! The other half of the time you’re facing up. This position is not advisable for extended periods of time during pregnancy, as it puts pressure on major blood vessels that disrupt blood flow to the baby. Additionally, it can make you feel nauseous! That is why during a prenatal massage, you are positioned with special cushioning and pillows to maximize your comfort and accommodate for your growing belly and breasts. You may even lay on your side with pillows for support.

What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

Research has shown that massage can help reduce stress hormones and loosen muscle tension in your body. Massages help increase blood circulation and keep your lymphatic system working at optimal efficiency. Example: reducing swelling. Regular prenatal massages are able to do more than just help you relax. They can help relieve:

– Insomnia (sleep issues)

– Joint pain

– Neck pain

– Hip and pelvic pain

– Low and mid back pain

– Leg cramping

– Sciatica

– Swelling and edema in hands and feet (if not caused by preeclampsia)

– Headaches and migraines

– Sinus congestion

– Compression syndromes (Carpal Tunnel and Thoracic Outlet)

How Often Should I Get a Prenatal Massage?

Frequency of massages vary from case to case. If we are mostly treating stress or general tension, we recommend monthly massages. In the event we are treating pain or a specific condition, frequent massage is important. Additionally, a treatment plan between your massage therapist and yourself is wise.

During the third trimester, frequency can increase to weekly or bi-weekly in order to help prepare the body for labour and delivery.

Are Massages Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes! Massages during any point in pregnancy is safe. There are massage therapists that will not do prenatal massages for varying reasons. However, there have been no studies or research proving that massages can cause labour or miscarriage during a healthy pregnancy. There are trigger points in the body that are linked to the uterus, and these trigger points must be avoided. This is another reason why it’s important to see an experienced Registered Massage Therapist in Red Deer for prenatal massage.

Please be sure to discuss any complications or health issues with your Massage Therapist before your treatment to make sure it is safe for you and the baby. If you’re still wondering about Prenatal Massage or how we can help you get to the finish line feeling your best, feel free to give us a call or email. If you think this treatment could be right for you, book an appointment online by clicking here.

The Top 2 Exercises to Alleviate Runner’s Knee

The Top 2 Exercises to Alleviate Runner’s Knee

By: Eric Walper, Physiotherapist

Summer is upon us, and we are quickly moving into the peak of the running season. With the possibility of running a race in the upcoming months, there comes an increased intensity and volume of training. At the same time, we are starting to see an increased prevalence of running related injuries. Runner’s Knee, or IT Band Friction Syndrome, is a common running injury that we usually see as our running athletes continue to push their volume and bodies into unfamiliar territory. Many of us have heard of the IT band. This is a dense piece of connective tissue that runs down the outside of the leg from the hip to the knee. It provides the structural support for the outside of our thigh and that stability aids us in side-to-side motion. When the IT band gets hurt, Runner’s Knee occurs.

What is Runner’s Knee and What are the Common Causes?

Runner’s Knee is defined as an inflammation of the IT band as it crosses the outside of the knee joint. It is due to the repetitive motion often seen from prolonged and/or high intensity running activities. The three most common contributors to this condition are:

– Inadequate or improper footwear

– Decreased strength in the glutes (butt)

– Instability in the ankle

In particular, we consider the last two common contributors during our physical rehab or exercise prescription for Runner’s Knee. As a result, we look at exercises that will add strength to the hips above the knee, and stability to the ankle below the knee.

Two Exercises to Alleviate Pain from Runner’s Knee

Below, you will find my two favourite exercises I recommend to someone who is suffering from Runner’s Knee.

  1. Strengthen Your Hips

When strengthening the hip, one of our commonly assigned exercises is a single leg squat. Here are the steps to perform this exercise:

– You want to stand 2-3 feet in front of a chair, and face away from it.

– Place one foot on the chair behind you, and shift your weight onto the target leg in front of you.

– Begin by lowering your hips and back, while maintaining your knee directly in line with your foot. Try not to allow your knee to collapse inwards or travel too far forward over the front foot.

– Perform 10-12 reps in 2-3 sets as part of a rehabilitation program.

  1. Work on Ankle Stability

To enhance the stability of the ankle, we incorporate single-leg balance exercises. One of my favorite exercises is doing a single leg stance while moving the opposite leg. Here are the steps to perform this exercise:

– Shift your weight to the target leg, and slowly lift the other leg completely off the ground.

– When you are sure of your balance, begin spelling the alphabet, or make large circles with your leg in the air. The leg that you are balancing on will have to work hard to keep you stable while you move your other leg.

– Perform this exercise for 20-30 seconds for 2-3 sets.


Next time you notice pain on the outside of your knee, or have a suspicion that you too could be experiencing Runner’s Knee, try these two exercises to alleviate your pain. If all else fails, stop by the clinic and book an appointment with one of our experienced physiotherapists to get to the root of your problem. You can book an appointment online by clicking here.

3 Tips to Prevent Golf Injuries This Season

3 Tips to Prevent Golf Injuries This Season

By: Blake Goehring, Physiotherapist

Golf… the predominant love-hate game that we play in the summer. The sport is frustrating enough to play that you do not need any golf injuries amplifying your struggles. The following is a short guideline to follow to keep yourself hitting the long-ball and “enjoying” the game of golf this season!

Tip #1: Grease the Hinges

A lot of people don’t look at golf as an overly athletic sport, but the golf swing requires movement of more joints than most sports do! Life circumstances are not exactly helping this situation. E.g., between aging, office work, and general sedentary lifestyles, it is easy to become stiff. It is important that before you unload all your stress on your golf ball, you try to warm up your shoulders, core, and hips. Below are my three favourite warm-up stretches for golf:

  1. Arm Circles

–  Start with small dinner plate size circles. As you warm up, progress to full overhead circles.

– Perform for 30-60 seconds.

– Change directions and perform for another 30-60 seconds.

  1. Trunk and Hip Rotations

– Put your golf club behind your head and hold onto it with your hands.

– Start rotating side to side, then gradually rotate further as tolerated.

– Making sure not to bend through the spine, but at the hips to bend your upper body forward. Continue to rotate from here to simulate the golf swing. Don’t be afraid to shift weight back and forth through your feet while doing so.

– Perform 30-60 seconds.

  1. 90-90 Exercises for the Hips

– Start by sitting with one leg in front of you, your knee bent to 90 degrees, and the inside of your ankle pointing up.

– Your other leg will be to your side, again with the knee bent to 90 degrees and the inside of the ankle pointing towards the ground.

– Slowly shift your weight forward, hold for 1-2 seconds and then shift your weight backward for the same amount of time.

– Continue these weight shifts for about 30 seconds and then switch the starting leg positions and repeat for another 30 seconds.

Tip #2: Do Not Strangle Your Club

One of the most common injuries we see from golfers is elbow issues from the repetitive nature of the golf swing. The harder you grip your club, the more your forearm muscles must work. These problems can start with:

    1. Playing a lot of rounds (high volume).
    2. Taking large divots or making hard contact with the ground.

Loosening your grip can help you have a more fluid swing and prevent excessive load on your forearm muscles that could eventually lead to elbow pain.

Tip #3: Hip vs. Back Movement

The great Chubbs Peterson once said, “It’s all in the hips.” All movie quotes aside, this especially rings true for our senior golf population. Most back strains that occur in golf come from the inability of a person to bring their hips through, which translates unnecessary force to the back. Both of your hips need to rotate inward or towards the direction you are hitting the ball. This is to keep your spine in a good place while swinging. How do you know if this is the case for you?

Our physical therapy team can help to identify if your hips (or any other body parts) are not moving properly and provide some strategies to keep your back and body healthy over this golf season! Feel free to book an appointment online by clicking here.

It’s National Physiotherapy Month!

It’s National Physiotherapy Month!

By Jennifer Goehring, Physiotherapist

Well, it’s that time of year again! May is National Physiotherapy Month and you guessed it: we are celebrating! This is our 3rd year of annual fundraising for an initiative that is near and dear to our hearts.

Giving back to the Red Deer community has always been a primary mission of the Stride team. In light of that, every year, we partner with an organization to fill a need that directly impacts Central Albertan, including the patients we connect with everyday.

How We Are Giving Back to the Red Deer Community

This year, we have partnered with The Lending Cupboard in Red Deer! We are working together to donate an important piece of equipment that benefits both our clients and the community. The Lending Cupboard is a charity in Red Deer that lends a variety of medical and rehabilitation equipment to anyone in need. It was originally founded in 2006 in someone’s garage, due to their vision of providing everyone access to medical equipment at no cost. Today, this organization now operates with over 15,000+ pieces of medical equipment in 6,500 square feet of operation. Pretty amazing for what started in a garage, right?

Accessibility Matters

Most people have suffered an injury at some point in their life. As a result, many of them have needed equipment such as crutches, a wheelchair, an air cast, and more. All of these happen to be expensive for their short-term use. In addition to cost, this type of medical equipment often takes up extra space in our homes, and then never get used again! It’s why we love The Lending Cupboard’s vision of providing access to equipment for anyone in need, with the added bonus of recycling and reusing quality products.

What is a Cryocuff Machine and How Does it Work?

In 2020, Janice (from The Lending Cupboard) spoke about the need for a piece of equipment called a cryocuff. A cryocuff is an ice unit that provides cold compression around joints. It looks like a mini cooler with a hose and ice pack on the end of it. Cryocuffs aid in quicker recovery from the pain and swelling after surgery. They are particularly useful and strongly suggested by medical professionals, following surgeries like a Total Knee Replacement and ACL repair. To purchase one outright costs close to $350!

So What Do We Do?

At this current time, The Lending Cupboard has 32 total cryocuffs in their inventory. In the first quarter of 2021, they loaned out this machine 81 times. At any given time, there is often a waitlist of 2-10 people! This waitlist was made longer during COVID-19, when surgeries were put on hold. The Stride team has committed to donating an additional 3 units to help to address demand. Following this donation, The Lending Cupboard would love to have another 5 units. We are hopeful that this year is just a starting point for how we can help this organization!

Why Our Team is so Passionate About Physiotherapy and Rehab

Now that we have shared one of our passion projects for this year, here are some words from our team. After all, it is National Physiotherapy Month! Our practitioners have their own motivators to provide you with exceptional care!

We asked each of them: “What does your profession mean to you? Why are you so passionate about what you do?” Below, you will find some great insight from our team!

Physiotherapy: Pay it Forward and Crush Goals

My passion for physiotherapy started by getting injured during athletics. I had a rehabilitation team help me fully get back to my activities. My motivation for going to work everyday is to pay forward the same kindness that my therapists extended to me in the past.

– Blake Goehring

Physiotherapy: Treatment Goes Beyond the Clinic

To me, physiotherapy means restoring, maintaining, and improving people’s ability to do what they love most. This could be playing a sport, keeping up with grandchildren, or managing daily life! Physiotherapy provides tools and knowledge for patients to engage in their well-being and recovery. It is much more than what is done within the clinic walls! Above all, I love getting to work alongside amazing patients.

– Julia Towers

Physiotherapy: Education and Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy is the means in which I get to engage with my community to make meaningful, healthy change. I am passionate about Physiotherapy because of my role in remediating and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Not just for my patients, but also my friends and family.

– Eric Walper

Athletic therapy helps others achieve living a healthier and pain-free lifestyle. Treatment, as well as the patient learning about their body, is how! I am passionate about what I do because it gives me an opportunity to relate to others, which then builds a trusting relationship. I love that we work together toward injury rehabilitation.

– Morgan Walper

Physiotherapy: Get Back to What You Love

To me, physiotherapy is about helping people do the things they love. It’s about improving their quality of life by making changes in their overall function. I am passionate about my job! Whether it is sports, family, traveling, or more, I just want my patient to be able to enjoy their life again.

– Devan Mercereau

One of my favourite aspects about my job as a Physiotherapist is being able to connect with people from all walks of life. I get to help them achieve their health goals! Physiotherapy is all about perpetual movement. As a result, it keeps people active to enjoy any activity they love!

– Jen Goehring

Physiotherapy: We Love Massage Therapy, Too

Massage Therapy is the healing of the body and mind through touch. I’m passionate about massage because nothing feels more rewarding than helping a person heal. As a result, they can feel amazing again!

– Cheyanne Heyn

My passion for massage therapy comes from the people I get to spend time with everyday. I value the relationships I have created. Knowing I have been entrusted with their care and wellbeing means a great deal to me. I love that I get to call massage my career and that I’m able to help along the way.

– Krista Tait

In Conclusion

If you want to learn more about any of our clinic updates and initiatives, feel free to follow along with us on social media! Check out @stridephysiotherapy and click here to book with one of our awesome team members!

Bowen Therapy: a Beautiful Treatment

Bowen Therapy: a Beautiful Treatment

By: Krista Tait, Registered Massage Therapist

I’m Krista, one of Stride’s Massage Therapists. Today, I’m sharing about a special therapy that is part of my practice! While many of you may think about the more traditional forms of massage, you might not have heard about this one. So, let’s talk about Bowen Therapy, and then we’ll look at a variety of conditions it can help with. In the end, you might be surprised by what you learn!

What Is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy is based on the work of the Australian therapist, Tom Bowen. This is a massage technique that focuses on specific movements of muscle and connective tissue, in order to treat a wide range of conditions and injuries. Bowen Therapy addresses every system in the body, including internal organ systems, as well as the musculoskeletal structure. These gentle movements send neurological signals to the brain, which then responds with impulses that realign the body. Respecting the feedback loop between your brain and body is essential for your body to restore its own natural balance.

Who Can Bowen Therapy Help?

It is appropriate for all ages, from babies to the elderly. In brief, it is manual, gentle, and non-invasive!

What Conditions Does Bowen Therapy Treat?

Bowen Therapy often steps in when other modalities have failed. It provides significant relief to patients who suffer from the following symptoms:

      1. Muscular and skeletal problems in neck, shoulder, hip, knees, ankle and back. This includes sciatica, whiplash, and fibromyalgia.
      2. Frozen shoulder, tennis and golfer’s elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
      3. Problems with posture and body alignment.
      4. Migraines and recurring headaches.
      5. Bell’s Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and issues resulting from a stroke.
      6. Respiratory problems including asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever.
      7. Sports and work-related injuries.
      8. Digestive conditions, such as kidney problems, constipation, colic, IBS, indigestion, diverticulitis, colitis, and Crohn’s Disease.
      9. High blood pressure.
      10. Arthritis.
      11. Hormonal and gynaecological conditions. In essence, pregnancy and fertility problems, infertility (male and female), PMS, breast lumps, menopause, and more.
      12. Stress management, fatigue, and sleep problems.
      13. General relaxation.
      14. Pre-op and post-op recovery time.
      15. Bedwetting.
      16. Anxiety and depression.

What Does a Bowen Treatment Look Like?

Treatments are one hour long, and are conducted every 7-10 days. The body continues to process the treatments for 5-10 days after. In order to be effective, it is recommended that you do not see other practitioners until your entire treatment is complete.

How Many Visits do I Need?

Minor problems can be resolved in just one session with a massage therapist, compared to more complex problems that sometimes require 4-6 sessions. Additionally, some of these issues may require routine visits to help the body heal.

If you’re still wondering about this technique and others, feel free to give us a call. If this sounds right for you, then we invite you to book an appointment online by clicking here.


(1) Dr. Manon Bolliger ND, DHANP, RBHP (2008)

(2)Wanda Parks RMT, RNCP, RBHP (2008

Guest Blog: 6 Tips for Recovery After Rehabilitation

Guest Blog: 6 Tips to Recover After Rehabilitation

By: Brittany and Andrea, Founders of GymClass

Hi! We’re Brittany and Andrea, the Founders of GymClass! GymClass is our online fitness platform which we have created to combine our knowledge and training with our love of teaching, all for you. Today we’re discussing 6 tips for recovery after rehabilitation. We have designed this space as a fitness program where we take out all the guesswork and give you a progressive and intentional workout plan.

If your physiotherapist or doctor has given you the green light to start moving in recovery after rehabilitation, then we’ve got you covered. All you have to do is show up and follow along!

We were so thrilled when Jen asked us to do a guest blog post for Stride. Thanks for hangin’ with us for the next few minutes, and don’t forget to read to the bottom to discover our special deal!

What’s Next?

Do you want to know something crazy? Not everyone knows what it’s like to live pain free. If you haven’t experienced a proper functioning body, where you are moving well as a whole, you might not even know what it is like to feel that good! If you’ve never had to rehabilitate an injury, work on muscle imbalance, improve posture, or correct years of incorrect gait patterns, you’re lucky. You may not realize that movement is something we take for granted. In fact, movement is a gift to enjoy and work on every single day.

Many of you are reading this because you have a goal to create pain free movement in your daily lives. You work (or want to) with a physiotherapist to correct injuries and strengthen your body, in order to return to normal function. You’ve done all your sessions and your homework exercises, but now what?! You’ve started this beautiful journey, and we want to help you continue. Movement is self-love. Showing up for yourself is self-love. Prioritizing feeling good in your body is self-love.

Maybe you’re recovering from an injury, or starting a workout program for the first time. Maybe you are getting back to your regular exercise. Whatever you’re doing, it is important to build a strong foundation so you can continue to progress.

We have six principles that we use in GymClass that we want to share with you to help you build your strong base to move better!

(All of these principles are covered in our FoundationsClass series on our online platform).

Use Your Breath

We know this sounds simple, but it is one of the most overlooked components of exercise. Using your inhale and exhale properly helps to deepen your core work, keep your heart rate under control, and protect the internal structures of your body. Inhale to prepare, fill your diaphragm in a 3-dimensional way, and exhale on the working part of the exercise to turn on those deep core muscles.

Stabilize Your Shoulder Girdle

A stable shoulder is so important! To prevent injury and ensure you are working the goal muscles, we must first set our shoulder blades. Create width across the back at the shoulder blade (without pinching), and create openness or flatness across the front. Now your shoulder is protected and ready to move!

Engage That Core

To do this we need to hit a few very important cues. Close the rib cage down as if we were connecting it to the hipbones. From there we lift up on the pelvic floor, drawing those deep transverse abdominals up (like an elevator) and into the spine. Now add a light squeeze of the glutes, and that core is fired up and ready for movement. The core is your powerhouse. By engaging the core first and foremost before any exercise, you provide a safe base for movement.

Stabilize Your Pelvis

Your pelvis can be set in various ways:

  • Neutral (hip bone over pubic bone)
  • Anteriorly tilted (hip flexors lengthen, hip extensors shorten)
  • Posteriorly tilted (hip flexors lengthen, hip extensors shorten)

Starting in a neutral spine will help you maintain the proper curvatures of your spine, while having the least amount of stress on your joints.

Use Those Glutes

Your glutes affect everything! We need strong glutes to prevent movement dysfunction, pain, and injury. So, squeeze that bum! Glute strength is essential to aid and build strength in your lower half and core, while working to prevent low back pain.

Hit All Components of Fitness

We need to be well rounded to be a good mover. This means you need to be training for aerobic and anaerobic cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, as well as flexibility. Each component will complement the next. The goal is to be a lifelong mover and to do that we need to take care of our body across the board.

When you create a strong base of both the understanding and principles of movement, you are setting yourself up for success in any fitness
programming. You are moving towards a stronger, healthier you. We teach and reinforce these principles in every single session at GymClass. We believe in the power of intentional movement for life!

Teaching people how to move with confidence and strength is not something we take lightly. This is an honour for us, and we invite you to join us for your movement journey. Please enjoy a MONTH FREE of GymClass on us! To redeem, all you have to do is email and mention Stride. We meet you where you are and push you to be stronger. Let’s do this together.

-Brittany & Andrea

Click here to check out GymClass’ website for more information.

4 Tips for Preventing Back Injuries This Winter

4 Tips for Preventing Back Injuries This Winter

By: Devan Mercereau, Physiotherapist

As beautiful as they are, winters in our province are cold and snowy! Which leads to back injuries for a lot of reasons. When a storm hits, so does our responsibility to go outside and clear our sidewalks and driveways from snow. Most of us have been there; bundling up from head to toe, facing the grueling cold to clear our driveway, only to have to go out and repeat the whole process an hour later. As tedious as it is, rushing this annoying winter chore can have consequences. In addition to winter sports and icy conditions, shoveling snow can be the culprit behind many injuries this time of year.

Here are my top 4 tips for shovelling snow so you can stay safe, prevent back injuries, and enjoy all the great winter activities Alberta has to offer!

Tip #1: Body Position

Body positioning and proper mechanics are some of the most important aspects of any activity. I understand this as I have experienced issues with my own lower back from playing sports and growing up with scoliosis (curvature in the spine).

When shoveling snow, consider this checklist for proper body positioning and mechanics:

– Hinge at the hips

– Have a slight bend in the knees

– Place your feet about hip width apart, creating a larger base of support

– Keep the shovel close to your body to avoid reaching

– Avoid twisting and throwing snow

Tip #2: Mindfulness When Shoveling

Being aware of proper body positioning when shoveling can help prevent injuries. It’s easy to forget about maintaining good posture and body positioning when it is freezing cold and the snow is blowing all around. Shoveling smart and pacing yourself can help to avoid extra strains on the body. This correlates with tip #1!

It is also wise to think about the type of snow you are shoveling. Sounds strange, right? Even if the fluffy stuff seems effortless to move, it’s also easier to forget about proper body positioning, causing extra strain from repetitive twisting or movements. Similarly, wet snow can be heavy, creating an opportunity for overexertion and fatigue. Evaluate your conditions every time you go outside!

Finally, be aware of the amount of shoveling required. If you have a large driveway, taking small breaks throughout the process decreases the strain on the lower back from continuous repetitive movements.

Tip #3: Pushing Smaller Amounts of Snow

I know what you are thinking, smaller loads = more time shoveling! But the extra time investment could pay off.

Depending on the snowfall, the weight and density of the snow can change quickly. So, pushing smaller and lighter piles can decrease the load on your spine. Although it may take more time to remove, the decreased risk of injury may be worth it.

Tip #4: The Type of Shovel

A durable, lightweight shovel can decrease the load on the body when pushing snow around. Using a shovel with a curved handle also improves body positioning because it allows us to keep our spine in a more neutral position, rather than hunching forward over a straight handle. If your shovel is too big and cumbersome, try swapping it for a smaller model and embrace tip #3!

If you are experiencing any lower back pain or want to improve strength and conditioning for functional activities, feel free to reach out to our clinic or book an appointment online by clicking here.

Foam Roller 101: Usage and 10 Exercises to Try

Foam Roller 101: Usage and 10 Exercises to Try

By: Jen Goehring, Physiotherapist

Foam rollers: I bet you have heard this buzz word before! Perhaps you have seen that funny looking cylinder at your local gym, or in your friend’s living room. But, do you know how, when, or where to use it? Stick with me through this short post and I will teach you foam rolling basics, as well as my top 10 favourite exercises to release full body tension.

What is a Foam Roller?

Let’s start by answering this question. A foam roller is a dense cylinder that is used as a self-release tool to help get rid of tight muscles or knots. The purpose of foam rolling is to relieve tension and pain in your muscles, as well as increase range of motion. Firstly, you want to place the foam roller on an area of discomfort in your body. Secondly, slowly lower your weight onto it. Thirdly, hold your position for tension relief. Easy, right?

8 Basic Tips for Foam Rolling

  1. Foam rolling is best performed when you are warm, like after a warm-up or work out.
  2. For best results, foam roll a muscle group or area for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  3. Most important: only roll your muscles. Never use a foam roller over bone, joints, or your lower back.
  4. It is best to stay on a muscle with your foam roller until you notice a change in discomfort. This means you should feel relief. For example, if you start and the discomfort feels like a 5 out of 10, wait until it feels like a 3 out of 10. Then you can move onto the next area.
  5. Discomfort or soreness while foam rolling is normal. In fact, you want to use your roller on the worst spot you can find in a muscle group. However, pain is not normal. If you are rolling and it is painful, you should ease back.
  6. Foam rolling is most effective on larger muscle groups, as pictured below. Use a lacrosse ball or another self-release tool for fan-shaped or irregular-shaped muscles.
  7. There are two different techniques for foam rolling, both of which are effective. Option #1: Roll up and down on the area. Option #2: Place and hold the foam roller on one spot.
  8. There are many different positions that you could use for foam rolling the same area. Find a position that works for you.

Top 10 Exercises

Below are pictures of my top 10 favourite stretches and exercises to do with a foam roller. This routine will help you relieve tension from head to toe in about 10 minutes!

Thoracic Extension

– Support your neck with your arms while bringing your elbows in line with your ears (added chest stretch).
– Keep your bum on the ground with your knees bent to protect your lower back.

Lats Stretch

– Roll up and down on your side. Your lat muscles span from your shoulder to your lower back (these are huge muscles!).

Quadriceps or Thigh Stretch

– Roll from your hip to just above your kneecaps.

IT Band Stretch

– Use a tripod position to help offload some of your weight (both arms and opposite leg). This one is quite intense!

– Roll from your hip to just above your knee joint.

Groin Stretch

– Roll from your pubic bone to the top of the knee.

– This exercise takes a little bit of coordination – make sure you get your bottom leg out of the way and try to apply as much pressure downward as possible.

Hip Flexor Stretch

– Roll from below your belly button to your hip bones.

Shin/Outside Shin Release (2 Areas)

– Roll from below the knee joint to the top of the ankle.

– You can move side to side to get different parts of the muscle.





Glute/Buttock Stretch

– Get yourself into a figure-4 stretch, then lean slightly onto the side of the leg that is up.

Hamstring Stretch

– Put one leg over top of the other to get more pressure on the hamstring for a greater release.

– Roll from just below your sit bone to just above the knee joint.

Calf Stretch

– Put one leg over top of the other to get more pressure on the calf for a greater release.

– Roll from just below your knee joint to the top of the Achilles. Gently roll to both sides to relieve both heads of the calf muscles.

If you have any questions about foam rolling or need some self-release tools for your home rehab, you can book your appointment online by clicking here.

4 Exercises to Maximize your Mid-Back Mobility!

4 Exercises to Maximize your Mid-Back Mobility!

By: Julia Towers, Physiotherapist

Do you sit at a desk all day for work? Do you feel stiff or sore in your back? Extended periods of sitting can contribute to stiffness in your mid-back, which is also called the thoracic spine. Considering that many lifestyles today require us to move less and sit more, it’s important to exercise. In light of that, here are a few tips to relieve pain and mobility issues.

What is the Thoracic Spine?

The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae, which are like stairs for your back. This is the largest area when compared to your neck and lower-back. Your spine is able to move in all planes of motion, although it is primarily responsible for rotation. It also helps to facilitate movement of the arms with its relationship to the shoulder blade, and provides a stable base for the neck. Furthermore, your spine is paired with your ribs to influence breathing. It is such an important part of the body that is often forgotten!

4 Exercises to Improve Thoracic Mobility

Build these into your daily routine to reduce and/or prevent mid-back mobility issues and stiffness. These are also great exercises to add into your breaks during the workday.

1. Extension Over a Foam Roller [1]

    1. Place a foam roller (or towel) at the level of your mid-back on the floor, starting at the top of your shoulder blades
    2. Support your neck with your hands as you lean back, extending over the roller
    3. Continue to move the roller down about an inch in order to target different segments of the mid-back
    4. Repeat the exercise for 5 repetitions
Reference: (2)
Reference: (2)

2.  Cat-Cow Stretch [1]

    1. Start on your hands and knees (shoulders directly over your hands, hips directly over your knees)
    2. COW: Inhale as you drop your belly button towards the floor, curving (or extending) your back
    3. CAT: Exhale as you push your back upwards towards the ceiling, rounding (or flexing) your back
    4. Alternate between these positions in a slow and controlled fashion for 15 repetitions
Reference: (3)
Reference: (3)




3. Open Book [1]

    1. Lie on your side with your top knee bent and arms out long in front of you
    2. Draw a large arc with your top arm as you bring it out to the opposite side
    3. Think about this movement coming from your mid-back as you try to touch your shoulder blade to the floor behind you
Reference: (4)
Reference: (4)




4. Wall Angels [1]

    1. Stand against a wall with your feet away from the baseboard and a soft bend in your knees
    2. Raise your arms with palms out to make contact with the wall
    3. Your shoulders and head should also touch the wall
    4. Slide your arms up as far as you can without allowing any body parts to come off the wall, then slide back down
    5. Repeat this exercise for 15 repetitions
Reference: (5)
Reference: (5)








*With any of these exercises, go as far as you are able to without pushing through pain. Over time and with practice you will find that you are able to go further. *

Manual Physiotherapy treatment can also help to alleviate stiffness and pain in the back. Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions on the subject or you can book an appointment online by clicking here.


    1. Physitrack (2012). Thoracic Mobility.
    2. Thoracic extension stretch, over roller, hands behind neck, supine.
    3. Cat and Camel.
    4. Trunk Rotation Stretch, Leading with arm, Side lying.
    5. Wall Angels Scapular Stabilization, standing.

Joint Cracking – What’s Going On?

Joint Cracking – What’s Going On?

By: Eric Walper, Physiotherapist

Like many of you, I find the phenomenon of joint cracking fascinating. You all know what I’m talking about. It’s the popping sound we hear after the feeling of satisfaction when we crack our knuckles and backs. Especially as kids. How many times did our parents and grandparents tell us to cut it out? They believed the cracking was somehow bad for our bodies, and would then result in arthritis.

Were they right? Well, let’s find out, courtesy of two studies that explore this phenomenon.

What’s really going on with joint cracking

Joints are areas where two bones unite, often lubricated by fluid. In 2015, researchers at the University of Alberta [1] watched what happened when a joint popped, using real-time MRI imaging. This was the first time in history that a joint was observed internally while the actual pop occurred. Thanks to research, we know that as a joint is pulled apart, an open space develops within it, up until we hear a cracking sound. The amount of force or effort is proportionate to the amount the joint stuck together.

If you need help visualizing this process, think about a Chinese finger trap. As you start to pull your two fingers apart in the trap, it becomes harder and harder to pull because the force of the two fingers are opposing one another. Eventually, you will pull hard enough to pop one of the fingers out, similarly to when you crack a joint. Essentially, we know that the cracking noise is due to the creation of an air bubble within the joint.

Is cracking your knuckles actually bad for you?

Now we get it, but is cracking our knuckles actually bad for us? In 2004 [2], an interesting study was published. In this study, a researcher cracked his knuckles on one hand daily for 60 years, while leaving the knuckles on his other hand completely untouched. What the researcher discovered was that there was zero difference in functionally between both his hands. When both hands were imaged to compare to one another, there was no significant difference. In summation, this study retired the myth that knuckle cracking causes arthritis.

What does this mean?

These two studies are important to me for a couple of reasons:

  1.  It helped me understand where the noise within a cracking joint actually comes from.
  2.  I learned that sound has less to do with re-aligning a joint, and more to do with pressure changes within the joint.
  3.  With respect to health and safety, we can fairly confidently say that extended joint manipulation over a period of time will not have adverse effects on its health. This is an important consideration for us as practitioners, and you as patients going about your daily lives.

Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions on the subject! Or you can book an appointment online by clicking here.


[1] Kawchuk et al., PLoS One 10 (2015) e0119470.

[2] Unger DL. Does knuckle cracking lead to arthritis of the fingers? Arthritis Rheum. 1998;41:949–950.